I am not a singer.
I thought this would be obvious from the rest of my pages, but
enough people keep asking after getting a hit on this page that I
thought I'd put it here at the top so maybe they'll see it.
If you were looking for information about
the singer who has the same name as me, perhaps you should try looking
at a Faith No More page (I don't know
anything about this band, just that someone pointed out to me that
they have a singer with my name). You almost certainly got here
via a search engine, let me give you a hint: try things that are
likely to be only in the pages you want, a common name like mine (see
below) is a bad choice, the group name (restricted to being together)
would be a much better choice.
Don't Worry ...
Be Happy 
Warning: All of these pages sort of grew up over
time. The organization is quite strained and it all needs to be
globally reworked. If I ever get a round tuit of
my very own, I might fix that...here's one that Wiktionary got:
This is a page of info about me, written by me (that's me, pictured
up there at the very top). Others have pictures of me, too.
Peter Löthberg and
Ulla Sandberg have
page for me.
Mike is far too popular a name
(here's a
chart from the SSA showing that starting with 1954 [when I was
born], "Michael" was the most common male baby name for most years
to the end of the century). If you are a Mike, you've probably
encountered a case of confusion with another Mike. One of the other
people with the name Mike got the nickname "Wrong Mike" because of
all the times he'd hit the confusion, and had a page collecting all
of them, but the list became too long and hard to maintain, so he
dropped that page.
That's part of the reason I've used the nickname MAP (My initials)
since the early 70's, but it's easy to
miss hear Matt or Mack or others. It's hard to be unique.
Patton, too, is pretty common. I'm starting to collect
some references.
Even "Mike Patton" (or "Michael Patton" although I prefer Mike) is too
I've done searches that try and exclude me and while
most of the results were to the singer in Faith No More, I've identified
around a dozen clearly distinct individuals with the same name with
references on the Web.
Who me? and What do I do?
I am an independent Internet Engineering
I work for Internet Service Providers
and Corporate networks to
provide advanced engineering services during periods of expansion.
In this
capacity I work with a lot of network operational
engineering groups. In the past
I've also worked for BBN and MIT,
you can check out my resume
for more details on any of this.
I have a very eclectic set of interests, many of which I've found
references on the net.
Where am I? and Where do I come from?
I live in
Whitingham, VT, USA. I have a lot of
computers at home.
I have an extensive network in my house (more later)
because I like working in my home office.
I grew up in Rhode Island,
the first state with it's own global
USENET newsgroup.
I was born in
East Providence,
but most of my memories are of
where I lived from 1958-1973.
In 1973 I moved to Massachusetts to attend
MIT and (except for
one nine month stint, back with my parents) lived in the area, in many locations in
and around Boston, until 2000. In fact, the straight line distance from
from where I lived in Bristol to where I was in the Boston area is
less than 50 miles, and for the first 46 years of my life
I always lived within 5 miles of this line (but I
travelled a lot...) Now, I've
moved to Vermont where I'm slightly more than 100
miles from where I grew up.
I graduated (and am thus an
in 1982 (with time off for "good" behavior? :-).
What are my interests?
I have a lot of personal interests, some are listed on a page where I
catalogue WWW Resources for them.
How to reach me
The best way to reach me is by E-Mail.
What else should I put here?
I'm too modest to say more...
Well, more importantly just too busy with all the rest for now...
I guess a pointer to the home page I actually
don't use much. But that was just for me to get quickly to the pages
I click the most, I now have a window manager menu for that, even
faster. My collection of web pointers is more
complete (and more informative on what the pointers are and why
they're there). I should mention Snow Paws'